Arab Cybersecurity Strategy

About the ACSS

In a constantly changing cyber threats environment, Arab States need to have flexible and dynamic cybersecurity strategies to meet new, global threats. From hospitals to oil pipelines, from schools to airports - the scale and pace of these attacks – often beating our social norms, laws, and democratic institutions are also unleashing unprecedented complexity, instability and risk. But solid cybersecurity strategies are also intended to better prepare organizations to respond to those incidents that do occur. By preventing minor incidents from becoming major ones, organizations can preserve their reputations and reduce harm to employees, customers, stakeholders, partners and others.

Improve the security and resilience
of national infrastructures and services

The Arab cybersecurity strategy (ACSS) is a plan of actions designed to improve the security and resilience of national infrastructures and services. It is a high-level top-down approach to cybersecurity that establishes a range of national objectives and priorities that should be achieved in a specific timeframe.

Currently, not all countries in the Arab Region have a National Cybersecurity Strategy. Therefore, the outputs of this strategy can be perceived as a key policy feature, helping them to tackle risks which have the potential to undermine the achievement of economic and social benefits from cyberspace.

Regional Information Sharing
and the creation of Public-Private Partnerships

Apart from tackling cybersecurity risks, this strategy builds on collaboration. Some of the most important settings to improve collaboration between stakehodlers is Regional Information Sharing and the creation of Public-Private Partnerships.